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It isn't difficult to incorporate DataVision into a Java application. Instantiate a Report object and have it read the XML file and possibly a parameter value XML file, then give the report object a layout engine object (such as LaTeXLE).
To run a report from a JSP page, see Running DataVision from JSP below.
To run your application you will need to include in your classpath the JAR files that are in the lib directory. They include
Here is the code you need to run a report from within your application. First, we will present some code chunks interspersed with insightful commentary. A few complete examples, showing different data sources and layout engines, will round out this section.
Creating a report object
First, create a report object.
Report report = new Report();
Specifying a database data source
What happens next depends upon the data source that the report XML file describes. If it's a database, we have to give some information (the database password) to the report before we read the XML file. If the data source is a text file, we need to specify some things after the XML file is read and the data source object is created.
The report's connection to a database can be specified one of three ways. You can supply a database password, a java.sql.Connection object, or a jimm.datavision.sql.Database object.
If you supply a password, the XML file's database connection information will be used to create a new connection. This is what normally happens when you open a report via the GUI, for example.
Both of the other methods (supplying a connection or database object) ignore the database connection information in the report XML file. If you supply a connection it will not be closed by the report, even if the report's database connection is reset by calling Database.reset. You will have to close the connection yourself after the report is done running.
The only reason you would supply a jimm.datavision.sql.Database object is to reuse one between different report instances. The advantage of reusing a database object is that the database metadata (table names, column names, and more) will only be read once no matter how many reports use it. Reading the metadata is time-consuming.
// Give the report enough information to connect to a database // data source. Pick one of the following three lines. report.setDatabasePassword("mypassword"); // or report.setDatabaseConnection(aJdbcConnection); // or report.setDataSource(new Database(...));
Reading the report description XML file
Next, call Report.read to read a report's description XML. This method can take as an argument a file or an org.xml.sax.InputSource. The InputSource constructor can take a java.io.InputStream, a java.io.Reader, or a String that specifies a system identifier. If the system identifier is a URI (a URL), it must be fully resolved.
// Read the report XML from a file or various stream types. report.read(xmlFileOrInputSource); // Must be after database info
Specifying a text file data source
If the data source is a text file instead of a database, we need to tell the data source which file to read and optionally override the separator character specified in the XML file. If no character is defined in either the XML file or your code, the default character (comma) is used.
The method CharSepSource.setInput can take as an argument a file name, a java.io.Reader, or a java.io.InputStreamReader.
CharSepSource src = (CharSepSource)report.getDataSource();
src.setSepChar('\t'); // Optional; overrides default and XML file value
Reading parameter values
If necessary, read parameter values. There are three ways a report gets parameter values: by asking the user, by reading a parameter XML file, or with custom Java code that sets the parameter values. See Asking for Parameter Values below for a complete description of the three different ways to set parameter values.
The method Report.setParameterXMLInput is used to read parameter values from XML. This method takes the same arguments as Report.read, described above.
// If necessary, read parameter values.
if (report.hasParameterFields())
Setting the layout engine
Next, give the report a layout engine. This example uses the LaTeX layout engine. You could use HTML, PDF, Swing, or any other one.
report.setLayoutEngine(new LaTeXLE(aWriter));
Running the report
Finally, run the report either in a separate thread or in the current thread. Report.run runs the report in a separate thread. It does not wait for the thread to finish. You will have to write the code to wait. If you call Report.runReport, the report is run synchronously; the method does not return until the report is done running.
// Pick one of the following two. report.run(); // Run the report in a separate thread. // or report.runReport(); // Run the report in this thread.
Telling a Swing layout engine to exit
If you use a Swing layout engine, there is one more thing you may want to do: exit. When the user closes the Swing report window, the application does not automatically quit---the event loop keeps running.
The SwingLE layout engine has a method called close. It does not exit the application, but we can create an anonymous class that overrides that method and closes the application when the window is closed. Here's how:
LayoutEngine le = new SwingLE() { public void close() { super.close(); System.exit(); } }; report.setLayoutEngine(le);
Similarly, when the last design window is closed DataVision normally exits. The method DesignWin.setExitWhenLastWinClosed does what it says: it lets you determine if DataVision should exit when the last design window is closed.
All together now
Here's the whole thing all together. This code will run a report that uses a database connection to read data, reads the report XML file, reads a parameter file if necessary, and outputs to a PDF file.
Report report = new Report(); report.setDatabasePassword("mypassword"); report.read("reportXmlFile"); if (report.hasParameterFields()) report.setParameterXMLInput("paramXmlFile"); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("output.pdf"); report.setLayoutEngine(new PDFLE(out)); report.runReport();
There are three ways a report gets parameter values: by asking the user, by reading a parameter XML file, or with custom Java code that sets the parameter values.
If you want the user to be prompted for input, you should not give the report a parameter file name. Instead, you should tell the system that you want to use a Swing window to prompt the user for parameter values by using the following code some time before running the report:
To read a parameter XML file, call Report.setParameterXMLInput
To specify a parameter file on the command line, use the -r command line option. See Running DataVision from the Command Line for details.
To specify a parameter's value within your code, you need to ask the report object to find it and then set its value.
// Ask the report to find the parameter for you Parameter p = report.findParameter(new Long(myParamID)); // or p = report.findParameterByName("My Parameter Name"); // Set the parameter's value. This sets a single value. p.setValue(0, "The New Value"); // To set more values (if it is a range or a list of values), keep // calling setValue(). // p.setValue(1, "Another Value");
There is one more thing you have to do. As of version 0.7.11, there is a
new method named Report.parametersSetManually
. Calling this
method with an argument of true
tells the report not to ask
the user and not to read an XML file.
Calling this method replaces the earlier necessity of creating a
subclass of Report
that overrode the
You can run a report in a JSP page, but you can't display its output directly, even if you use the HTML layout engine. You need to save the output to a (possibly temporary) file and then display the contents of that file or let the user download it.
For an example JSP page, see datavision.jsp in the examples directory. The comment at the top of that file contains directions for installing and running it from Tomcat.
If your report contains parameters, you will need to let the user enter them. You then need to give those values to the report before it is run. Either save the values into a parameter XML file and call
or use the code found in Asking for Parameter Values.
Reporting For The Web With DataVision, by Frank W. Zammetti, is an article that shows you how to design a simple report and run it from within a Web application.
DataVision can be run as an applet. The file applet.html contains an example "applet" tag suitable for use with DataVision.
The applet code is still under development; expect some problems.
In the example file applet.html, the "archive" attribute does not contain a database JAR file or jcalendar.jar. To run reports instead of just design them, you would have to add your JDBC JAR file and jcalendar.jar to this list. Why aren't those files in the list already? Because the applet code is being developed first to allow report design. Running reports should work; I just haven't tested it yet.
Since JRuby (and possibly other Bean Scripting Framework jar files) uses a custom class loader, you will have to either sign the applet or edit the client's java.policy file and add the line
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
Many thanks to Edwin Ramirez, who has funded development of DataVision in order to create the applet code. All of his suggestions and feature requests have been folded into DataVision.
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