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DataVision User's Manual

Jim Menard, jimm@io.com

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
    1.1 Recent Changes

2 Installing DataVision
    2.1 Requirements
    2.2 Installing DataVision
    2.3 Finding and Installing JDBC Drivers
    2.4 Setting the Java Class Path
        2.4.1 Editing the Class Path (Windows)
        2.4.2 Editing the Class Path (Unix)

3 Starting DataVision
    3.1 Launching DataVision
    3.2 Running DataVision from the Command Line
        3.2.1 Usage
        3.2.2 Examples
    3.3 Font Display Problems
    3.4 Font Error Messages

4 Incorporating DataVision Into a Java Application
    4.1 Asking for Parameter Values
        4.1.1 Asking the User
        4.1.2 Reading a Parameter XML File
        4.1.3 Setting Values Manually
    4.2 Running DataVision from JSP
    4.3 Running DataVision as an Applet

5 Creating a New Report
    5.1 Connecting to a Database
        5.1.1 PostgreSQL
        5.1.2 MySQL
        5.1.3 Oracle
        5.1.4 ODBC
        5.1.5 Informix
    5.2 Adding Fields and Text

6 The Anatomy of a Report
    6.1 Report Parts
        6.1.1 Section Suppression Procs
    6.2 Fields
        6.2.1 Database Column
        6.2.2 Static Text
        6.2.3 Formula Field
        6.2.4 Aggregate
        6.2.5 Special Values
        6.2.6 Parameter Field
        6.2.7 Image
    6.3 Formulas
        6.3.1 Bean Scripting Framework
   Adding another language
        6.3.2 Startup Script
    6.4 Parameters
        6.4.1 Example
    6.5 User Columns
    6.6 Subreports

7 Editing a Report
    7.1 Adding Fields
    7.2 Selecting Fields
    7.3 Removing Fields
    7.4 Moving and Re-sizing Fields
    7.5 Aggregates
    7.6 Parameters
    7.7 Formulas
    7.8 Groups
    7.9 Subreports
        7.9.1 Adding a Subreport
        7.9.2 When the Report Runs
        7.9.3 Problems
    7.10 Sorting Records
    7.11 Selecting Records
        7.11.1 Database Column Names
        7.11.2 Parameters
    7.12 Joining Tables
    7.13 Startup Script
    7.14 Page Breaks
    7.15 Database Name Case Sensitivity

8 Running a Report
    8.1 Displaying a Report On-screen
    8.2 Saving a Report's Output
    8.3 Printing a Report's Output
        8.3.1 Printing from DataVision
        8.3.2 Printing a Report Output File
        8.3.3 Quitting under Mac OS X

9 The DataVision User Interface
    9.1 Windows
        9.1.1 The Report Design Window
       The File Menu
       The Edit Menu
       The Insert Menu
       The Format Menu
       The Database Menu
       The Report Menu
       The Help Menu
        9.1.2 The Field Picker Window
        9.1.3 The Report View
    9.2 Dialogs
        9.2.1 The Aggregate Dialog
        9.2.2 The Format Dialog
        9.2.3 The Position and Size Dialog
        9.2.4 The Database Connection Dialog
        9.2.5 The Visual Table Linker Dialog
        9.2.6 The Parameter Editor Dialogs
        9.2.7 The Formula Editor Dialog
        9.2.8 The Suppression Proc Dialog
        9.2.9 The Startup Script Dialog
        9.2.10 The "Select Records" Dialog
        9.2.11 The "Sort By" Dialog
        9.2.12 The "Group By" Dialog
        9.2.13 The Formula Languages Dialog
        9.2.14 The "Summary" Dialog
    9.3 Language Settings

10 Layout Engines
    10.1 Available Layout Engines
    10.2 Supported Features
    10.3 Creating a New Layout Engine

11 Understanding Report XML Files
    11.1 Elements
        11.1.1 report
        11.1.2 bean-scripting-framework
        11.1.3 paper
        11.1.4 description
        11.1.5 source
        11.1.6 parameters
        11.1.7 formulas
    11.2 Report Sections
        11.2.1 Fields
        11.2.2 Lines
        11.2.3 Suppression Procs
    11.3 Field Formats

12 Parameter Value XML Files

13 Glossary

14 Bugs and Limitations

15 Copying and Warranty
    15.1 DataVision
    15.2 Sun Microsystems
    15.3 JCalendar
    15.4 JRuby
    15.5 iText
    15.6 Bean Scripting Framework
    15.7 GNU General Public License (GPL)
    15.8 GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
    15.9 Mozilla Public License (MPL)

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