Uses of Class

Packages that use Field
jimm.datavision Provides the classes and interfaces that make up a DataVision report. 
jimm.datavision.field Field, its subclasses, and related classes like Format and Border. 
jimm.datavision.gui Provides the classes and interfaces that make up the graphical user interface used to build and run DataVision reports. 
jimm.datavision.gui.cmd Provides the classes and interfaces that make up the undo/redo command structure. 
jimm.datavision.layout Provides concrete layout engine implementations. 
jimm.datavision.layout.pdf The PDF layout engine implementation. 
jimm.datavision.layout.swing Provides the Swing layout engine implementation. 

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision

Fields in jimm.datavision declared as Field
protected  Field Report.defaultField
          This field holds default format, border, and bounds values for all fields.
protected  Field ReportReader.field

Methods in jimm.datavision that return Field
 Field Report.findField(java.lang.Object id)
          Given an id, returns the field that has that id.
 Field Section.findField(java.lang.Object id)
          Given an id, returns the field within this section that has that id.
 Field Report.getDefaultField()
          Returns the field that holds default format, border, and bounds values for all fields.

Methods in jimm.datavision with parameters of type Field
 void Section.addField(Field f)
          Adds a field to this section.
 boolean Report.contains(Field f)
          Returns true if the specified field exists within this report.
 boolean Section.contains(Field f)
          Returns true if the specified field is inside this section.
 boolean Report.containsReferenceTo(Field f)
          Returns true if the specified field exists within this report either directly (as a field) or indirectly (as a formula used by a aggregate, parameter, user column, or another formula).
 boolean Section.containsReferenceTo(Field f)
          Returns true if the specified field exists within this section either directly (as a field) or indirectly (as a formula used by an aggregate, user column, or formula or by the suppression proc).
 java.lang.Object Formula.eval(Field formulaField)
          Evaluate this formula and return the result.
protected  java.lang.Object Formula.evaluate(Field formulaField)
          Modifies the formula text so it is ready to evaluate, then gives it to the report to evaluate and returns the result.
 java.util.AbstractList Report.getAggregateFieldsFor(Field field)
          Collects all aggregate fields that are aggregating the specified field.
 boolean SuppressionProc.refersTo(Field f)
 boolean Expression.refersTo(Field f)
          Returns true if this expression contains a reference to the specified field.
 void Report.removeField(Field f)
 void Section.removeField(Field f)
          Removes a field from this section.
 Section Report.sectionContaining(Field f)
          Returns the section containing the specified field, or null if the field is not in the report.
 void FieldWalker.step(Field f)
          This method is called once for each field, when used from within Report.withFieldsDo.

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.field

Subclasses of Field in jimm.datavision.field
 class AggregateField
          An aggregate field represents a field's aggregated values, either ColumnField or FormulaField.
 class ColumnField
          A column field represents a data source column.
 class FormulaField
          A formula field represents a formula calculated on-the-fly.
 class ImageField
          Represents an external image.
 class ParameterField
          A parameter field represents a parameter.
 class SpecialField
          A SpecialField represents a special value such as the report name or current page number.
 class SubreportField
          A subreport field represents an entire report within a field.
 class TextField
          A text field represents static text.
 class UserColumnField
          A user column field represents a user column, which in turn holds some SQL that is put in the SELECT clause of a query.

Fields in jimm.datavision.field declared as Field
protected  Field FormattedValueCache.field
protected  Field Border.field
protected  Field Format.field
protected  Field AggregateField.fieldToAggregate

Methods in jimm.datavision.field that return Field
static Field Field.create(java.lang.Long id, Report report, Section section, java.lang.String type, java.lang.Object value, boolean visible)
          This factory method constructs and returns a new instance of a subclass of Field based on the type string.
static Field Field.createFromDragString(Report report, java.lang.String str)
          Creates a field from a drag string.
 Field AggregateField.getField()
          Returns the field over which we are aggregating.

Methods in jimm.datavision.field with parameters of type Field
protected static java.lang.Integer SpecialField.groupCount(Field f)
          Returns the group count for the group in which this field resides.
 boolean AggregateField.refersTo(Field f)
 boolean Field.refersTo(Field f)
          Returns true if this field contains a reference to the specified field.
 boolean UserColumnField.refersTo(Field f)
 boolean FormulaField.refersTo(Field f)
 void Border.setField(Field f)
          Used only when cloning a field, this sets our field.
(package private)  void Format.setField(Field f)
          Normally you don't need to call this, because setFormat(jimm.datavision.field.Format) calls this.
static java.lang.Object SpecialField.value(Field f, java.lang.String str, Report report)
          Returns the value associated with the given special field name string.

Constructors in jimm.datavision.field with parameters of type Field
Border(Field field)
          Constructs a new border for the specified field.
FormattedValueCache(Field f)

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.gui

Fields in jimm.datavision.gui declared as Field
protected  Field BoundsWin.field
protected  Field FormatWin.field

Methods in jimm.datavision.gui that return Field
 Field FieldWidget.getField()

Methods in jimm.datavision.gui with parameters of type Field
 void FieldWidget.align(int which, Field prototype)
          Align this field in relation to prototype.
 void FieldWidget.size(int which, Field prototype)
          Resize this field in relation to prototype.
 void BoundsWin.step(Field f)
          Creates and performs a command that gives the bounds to the specified field.
 void FormatWin.step(Field f)
          Creates and performs a command that gives the format and borders to the specified field.

Constructors in jimm.datavision.gui with parameters of type Field
BoundsWin(Designer designer, Field f)
EditWinWidget(SectionWidget sw, Field field)
FieldWidget(SectionWidget sw, Field field)
FormatWin(Designer designer, Field f, int whichTab)
FormulaWidget(SectionWidget sw, Field field)
ParameterWidget(SectionWidget sw, Field field)
TextFieldWidget(SectionWidget sw, Field field)
UserColumnWidget(SectionWidget sw, Field field)

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.gui.cmd

Fields in jimm.datavision.gui.cmd declared as Field
protected  Field FormatCommand.field
protected  Field BoundsCommand.field
protected  Field FieldClipping.origField
protected  Field FieldAlignCommand.prototype
protected  Field FieldResizeCommand.prototype

Methods in jimm.datavision.gui.cmd that return Field
protected  Field InsertFieldCommand.createField()
          Creates the field.
protected  Field NewDraggedFieldCommand.createField()
          Creates the field.

Methods in jimm.datavision.gui.cmd with parameters of type Field
protected abstract  FieldWidget InsertFieldCommand.createFieldWidget(Field f)
protected  FieldWidget NewTextFieldCommand.createFieldWidget(Field f)
protected  FieldWidget NewSubreportCommand.createFieldWidget(Field f)
protected  FieldWidget NewImageFieldCommand.createFieldWidget(Field f)
protected  FieldWidget NewDraggedFieldCommand.createFieldWidget(Field f)

Constructors in jimm.datavision.gui.cmd with parameters of type Field
BoundsCommand(Field f, Rectangle bounds)
FieldAlignCommand(FieldWidget fw, int which, Field prototype)
FieldResizeCommand(FieldWidget fw, int which, Field prototype)
FormatCommand(Field f, Format format, Border border)

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.layout

Fields in jimm.datavision.layout declared as Field
(package private)  Field DocBookCol.field

Methods in jimm.datavision.layout with parameters of type Field
protected  void DocBookLE.doOutputField(Field field)
          Does nothing, since we output fields in DocBookLE.doOutputSection(jimm.datavision.Section).
protected  void LaTeXLE.doOutputField(Field field)
          Outputs a field.
protected  void XMLLE.doOutputField(Field field)
protected abstract  void LayoutEngine.doOutputField(Field field)
          Called by outputField as a chance to insert behavior when a field is output.
protected  void HTMLLE.doOutputField(Field field)
protected  void CSSHTMLLE.doOutputField(Field field)
protected  void CharSepLE.doOutputField(Field field)
          This override handles output of a field.
protected  void LaTeXLE.makeBorders(Field field)
          Outputs borders.
protected  Format HTMLLE.outputCellStart(Field field)
protected  Format CSSHTMLLE.outputCellStart(Field field)
protected  void LayoutEngine.outputField(Field field)
          Outputs a field.
protected  void LaTeXLE.putField(Field field)
          Outputs the LaTeX2e code that places the field on the page.

Constructors in jimm.datavision.layout with parameters of type Field
DocBookCol(Field field, double x, double width)

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.layout.excel

Methods in jimm.datavision.layout.excel with parameters of type Field
 void RowContainer.addField(Field useField)
protected  void ExcelLE.doOutputField(Field field)

Constructors in jimm.datavision.layout.excel with parameters of type Field
PermField(Field useField)
          Creates a new instance of PermField

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.layout.pdf

Methods in jimm.datavision.layout.pdf with parameters of type Field
protected  Point PDFLE.bottomLeftOfField(Field f, double size, com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont baseFont)
protected  void PDFLE.doOutputField(Field field)
          Outputs a field.
protected  void PDFLE.makeBorders(Field field)
          Outputs borders.

Uses of Field in jimm.datavision.layout.swing

Fields in jimm.datavision.layout.swing declared as Field
(package private)  Field SwingPageField.field
protected  Field AbstractSwingField.field

Methods in jimm.datavision.layout.swing that return Field
 Field AbstractSwingField.getField()
 Field SwingField.getField()

Methods in jimm.datavision.layout.swing with parameters of type Field
(package private)  void SwingPageContents.add(Field f, java.lang.String v, java.awt.Rectangle r)
          Adds a new field, its display value, and its position on the page.
protected  void SwingLE.doOutputField(Field field)
          Creates a new SwingField and adds it to the current page.

Constructors in jimm.datavision.layout.swing with parameters of type Field
AbstractSwingField(Field f, javax.swing.JComponent c)
SwingPageField(Field f, java.lang.String v, java.awt.Rectangle r)
SwingTextField(Field f)
SwingTextField(Field f, java.lang.String str)